in English
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PRIM Online (please call us! (+36 30) 984 0220)Trend Monitor
A monthly of computer technics, telecommunication and Information Technology since 1991. It represents the feature of being an information holder magazine mostly at IT fairs and exhibitions when it is published every day. It had been the official daily paper of Compfair since it was founded.
Readers of Monitor
According to a last year survey of GfK Hungary, contrary to other magazines of computer technics, readers of Trend Monitor are not characterized neither by workplaces of computer technics nor by being the inhabitants of Budapest. Only 45% of the readers are the inhabitants of the capital. 37% belongs to development and distributing and the other 63% to the consumers. 11.000 out of the average of 20.000 copies are read by those who are decision makers and only 7% of those who answered the questionnaire said that their decision are not effected by the advertisements published in the magazine. More than half of the readers does not read any other papers or magazines of informatics.
Circulation, Distribution
Only few, a bit more than 2000 magazines out of the 20.000 published monthly are distributed to newsagent's, meaning that the remnant of magazines is also little, only the 20% of those 2000 mentioned above. The rest (18.000) can be divided into three thirds: 1/3 sent to subscribers, 1/3 is promotion sent to offices and firms of business and IT, and 1/3 is also free given to professional shops of computer technics and schools. To sum up about an average of 19.000 out of 20.000 published issues are read every month, meaning that each issue has the average of 5.4 readers. During fairs an extra of 10.000 issues are printed and distributed.
Every month (At the fairs every day.) Deadline: In the middle of the month
Technical info:
Advertisements are accepted on a film with colour separation with #60 raster or in PC-file. Printing method: Offset-printing on 80-gram super white stock paper.
Advertisement prices:
1. | 2,3,4. | 5. | 5. | 6. | |
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7. | 8. | 9. | 10. | 11. | 11. |
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Space in the magazine | (width * height in mm)) | Price (excl.VAT) | |
1. Inner double full page | (cut size: 395 x 295 (2pcs 198 x 295)) | 998,000 | |
2. Inner cover full page | (cut size: 205 x 295, mirror size: 180 x 260) | 778,000 | |
3. Back cover full page | (cut size: 205 x 295) | 678,000 | |
4. Inner cover full page | (cut size: 205 x 295, mirror size: 180 x 260) | 548,000 | |
5. Inner 1/2 page | (180 x 128 v. 87,5 x 260) | 298,000 | |
6. Inner junior (A/4) page | (133,5 x 193) | 318,000 | |
7. Inner 1/3 page | (64 x 260) | 238,000 | |
8. Inner 1/4 page | (87,5 x 128) | 178,000 | |
9. Inner 1/4 page | (41 x 260) | 198,000 | |
10. Inner 1/6 page | (64 x 128) | 128,000 | |
11. Inner 1/8 page | (87,5 x 62 v. 41 x 128) | 99.000 | |
Front page bottom part | 50% extra | ||
Front page top part | 150% extra | ||
Extra price of extra requirements (right page, required page, etc.) | 30% extra | ||
Rebate: fix order of each issue per year: | - 15% | ||
Rebate: fix order for every second week per year: | - 7% | ||
Rebate: fix issue for one issue every month: | - 3% |
PRÍM Információ-technológia Ltd. | E-mail: | Tel./Fax: (+36-1)248-3230, (+36-1)248-3250 |
Ugron Gabor u. 35. Budapest H1118. HUNGARY | |
Business Online
Mottó: Business in IT, IT in business. Business Online, an Information Technology monthly for businessmen is issued for people working in informatics, giving ideals how new communication possibilities can be used, and also for managers to show how their work can be helped by the novelties of informatics, Internet, intranet, EDI, Web marketing, Network Computer. It's an exclusive monthly business magazine of computer technics, telecommunications, and IT. It is professional only to the extent of being able to find the link between IT and business and is sold only for subscribers. In 1997, when the European Technology Roundtable Exhibition conference was organised in Budapest with the participation of 400 top managers of informatics (e.g. the CEO and chairman of Netscape, Microsoft, Compaq, Bull, 3Com, etc.) Business Online (also with articles in English) was the only Hungarian magazine which was given to the participants as information material. The Business Online was the only Official Publication on the Direct Marketing event also organised by the Vision in Business Ltd. (UK) in January 1999.
Distribution: The Publisher extended its directory partly with the addresses of the partners of big Hungarian firms of IT and partly with the VIP list of some consumer product dealers with good brand (e.g. BMW cars). This database covers quite wide range of the management of different financial institutes and even some of the governing bodies that are considered to be the potential readers. 10.000 names of those who were considered to be most interested in the magazine were chosen out of this list of 25.000 mentioned above, and that is how we started our magazine with only promotional copies. Later quite a number of these firms become over than 6.000 Business Online readers. The list is checked every third-fourth month and we regularly get new subscribers from the list of 25.000 in the place of those who presumably will never subscribe our magazine.
This means, that at least 10.000 of our magazines are distributed to banks, business industry and those who work in IT.
Publication: on the 1st week of each month, except January and August
Deadline: three weeks before the publication.
Technical data: the advertisements is accepted on a film with colour separation, with 60 rastercount or in Macintosh QuarkXPress operated file
Printing method: Glossy stock (offset), on 135 gram super white stock paper, cover: 250 gram super white stock paper
Advertisement prices:
Space in the magazine, extent, size
(width x height in mm)
Price (excluding VAT)
1. Double page
(cut size: 2x203 x 280)
HUF 998,000
2. Inner full page
(170 x 250)
HUF 548,000
3. Inner 1/2 page
(170 x 122 v. 82,5 x 250)
HUF 298,000
4. Inner 1/4 page
(82,5 x 122)
HUF 178,000
5. Inner 1/8 page
(82,5 x 59)
HUF 99,000
Back cover full page
(cut size: 203 x 280)
HUF 778,000
Inner cover full page
(cut size: 198 x 280)
HUF 678,000
Extra requirements (right page, required page, text page, etc..)
20% extra
Rebate: fix order for 10 issue:
- 15%
Rebate: fix order for 5 issue:
- 7%
Rebate: fix order for 3 issue:
- 3%
PRÍM Információ-technológiai Inc.
Tel./Fax: 248-3230, 248-3250
Ugron Gábor u. 35. Budapest,.H1118. HUNGARY
POB:140. Budapest, H1506 HUNGARY